Central Plains Region

The public and private partners of Colorado’s Central Plains encourage and facilitate the success of entrepreneurship, agriculture, business, industry and innovation in Elbert, Lincoln, Kit Carson and Cheyenne counties. The partners strive to assist with the needed resources, financial incentives, collaboration and creation of additional opportunities for startups, expansions or relocation to this area.

  • Opportunity Fund
  • Real Estate Opportunities
  • Businesses Seeking Capital
  • Opportunity Zone

top educational institutions

morgan community college

morgan community college

Key Facts & Figures

50 Mbps
Broadband connectivity of up to 50 Mbps available
Major highways systems: 1-70 and ports to plains corridors
2 Rail systems
Class-1 connections to BSNF and Union Pacific
Foreign trade zone (Limon FTZ)
4 Counties
All 4 counties are designated enterprise zones; 3 counties are in enhanced enterprise zones
850 MW
Lincoln county produces over 850 MW of wind power ranking 2nd in the state with installed production capability

Regional Assets


friday night football – unwavering sense of community


leaders stand by community values


neighboring communities work together


rural heritage and culture is celebrated
